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Law 18

Scoring runs

The Over, Scoring Runs, Dead ball and Extras Back to laws

18.1 A run

The score shall be reckoned by runs.  A run is scored

18.1.1 so often as the batter, at any time while the ball is in play, have crossed and made good their ground from end to end.

18.1.2 when a boundary is scored.  See Law 19 (Boundaries).

18.1.3 when Penalty runs are awarded.  See 18.6.

18.2 Runs disallowed and runs not scored

Wherever in these Laws provision is made for the scoring of runs or awarding of penalties, such runs and penalties will be subject to any provisions that may be applicable for a run to be disallowed or a run not to be scored (see Appendix A.11) or for the non-award of penalties.

When runs are disallowed, the one-run penalty for No ball or Wide shall stand and 5-run penalties shall be allowed, except for Penalty runs under Law 28.3 (Protective helmets belonging to the fielding side).

18.3 Short runs

18.3.1 A run is short if a batter fails to make good his/her ground in turning for a further run.

18.3.2 Although a short run shortens the succeeding one, the latter if completed shall not be regarded as short.  A striker setting off for the first run from in front of the popping crease may do so also without penalty.

18.4 Unintentional short runs

Except in the circumstances of 18.5,

18.4.1 if either batter runs a short run, the umpire concerned shall, unless a boundary is scored, call and signal Short run as soon as the ball becomes dead and that run shall not be scored.

18.4.2 if, after either or both batters run short, a boundary is scored the umpire concerned shall disregard the short running and shall not call or signal Short run, unless the boundary is a result of an overthrow or wilful act of a fielder. See Law 19.8 (Overthrow or wilful act of fielder).

18.4.3 if both batters run short in one and the same run, this shall be regarded as only one short run.

18.4.4 if more than one run is short then, subject to 18.4.2 and 18.4.3, all runs called as short shall not be scored.

18.4.5 if there has been more than one short run, the umpire shall inform the scorers as to the number of runs to be recorded.

18.5 Deliberate short runs

18.5.1       If either umpire considers that one or both batters deliberately ran short at that umpire’s end, the umpire concerned shall, when the ball is dead, call and signal Short run and inform the other umpire of what has occurred and apply 18.5.2.

18.5.2 The bowler’s end umpire shall

- disallow all runs to the batting side

- return any not out batter to his/her original end

- signal No ball or Wide to the scorers, if applicable repeat the Short run signal to the scorers

- award 5 Penalty runs to the fielding side

- award any other 5-run Penalty that is applicable except for Penalty runs under Law 28.3 (Protective helmets belonging to the fielding side)

- inform the scorers of the number of runs to be recorded

- inform the captain of the fielding side and, as soon as practicable, the captain of the batting side of the reason for this action.

18.5.3 The umpires together shall report the occurrence as soon as possible after the match to the Executive of the offending side and to any Governing Body responsible for the match, who shall take such action as is considered appropriate against the captain, any other individuals concerned and, if appropriate, the team.

18.6 Runs awarded for penalties

Runs shall be awarded for penalties under 18.5, and Laws 21 (No ball), 22 (Wide ball), 24.4 (Player returning without permission), 26.4 (Penalties for contravention), 27.4.2 (Illegal movement by Wicketkeeper), 28.2 (Fielding the ball), 28.3 (Protective helmets belonging to the fielding side), 28.6.3 (Ilegal movement by Fielder), 41 (Unfair play) and 42 (Players’ conduct). Note, however, the restrictions on the award of Penalty runs under 18.5, and Laws 23.3 (Leg byes not to be awarded), 25.7 (Restriction on the striker’s runner), 28.3 (Protective helmets belonging to the fielding side), 34 (Hit the ball twice), 41.14 (Batter damaging the pitch) and 41.15 (Striker in protected area).

18.7 Runs scored for boundaries

Runs shall be scored for boundary allowances under Law 19 (Boundaries).

18.8 Runs scored when a batter​ is dismissed

When a batter is dismissed, any runs for penalties awarded to either side shall stand.  No other runs shall be credited to the batting side, except as follows. 

18.8.1 If a batter is dismissed Obstructing the field, the batting side shall also score any runs completed before the offence.

If, however, the obstruction prevented a catch being made, no runs other than penalties shall be scored.

18.8.2 If a batter is dismissed Run out, the batting side shall also score any runs completed before the wicket was put down.

If, however, a striker who has a runner is himself/herself dismissed Run out under Law 25.6.5 (Dismissal and conduct of a batter and his/her runner), any runs completed by the runner and the other batter shall be disallowed. 

18.9 Runs scored when the ball becomes dead other than at the fall of a wicket

When the ball becomes dead for any reason other than the fall of a wicket, or is called dead by an umpire, unless there is specific provision otherwise in the Laws, any runs for penalties awarded to either side shall be scored.  Note however the provisions of Laws 23.3 (Leg byes not to be awarded) and 28.3 (Protective helmets belonging to the fielding side).

Additionally the batting side shall be credited with,

        all runs completed by the batter before the incident or call of Dead ball

and   the run in progress if the batter shad already crossed at the instant of the incident or call of Dead              ball.  Note specifically, however, the provisions of Law 41.5.8 (Deliberate distraction, deception or                obstruction of a batter).

18.10 Crediting of runs scored

Unless stated otherwise in any of the Laws,

18.10.1 if the ball is struck by the bat, all runs scored by the batting side shall be credited to the striker, except for the following:

- an award of 5 Penalty runs, which shall be scored as Penalty runs

- the one run penalty for a No ball, which shall be scored as a No balls extra.

18.10.2 if the ball is not struck by the bat, runs shall be scored as Penalty runs, Byes, Leg byes, No ball extras or Wides as the case may be.  If Byes or Leg byes accrue from a No ball, only the one run penalty for No ball shall be scored as such, and the remainder as Byes or Leg byes as appropriate.

18.10.3 the bowler shall be debited with:

- all runs scored by the striker

- all runs scored as No ball extras

- all runs scored as Wides.

18.11 Batter returning to original end

18.11.1 When the striker is dismissed in any of the circumstances in to, the not out batter shall return to his/her original end. A dismissal in the circumstances of Law 25.6.4 or 25.6.5 (Dismissal and conduct of a batter and his/her runner). Bowled. Stumped. Hit the ball twice. LBW. Hit wicket. Caught Obstructing the field, where the obstruction or distraction prevents the striker being out Caught.

18.11.2 The batter shall return to their original ends in any of the cases of to A boundary is scored, unless it is as a result of an overthrow or wilful act of a fielder (see Law 19.8) Runs are disallowed for any reason. A decision by the batter at the wicket to do so, under Law 41.5 (Deliberate distraction, deception or obstruction of a batter).

18.12 Batter returning to wicket he/she has left

18.12.1 When a batter is dismissed in any of the ways in to, the not out batter shall return to the wicket he/she has left but only if the batter had not already crossed at the instant of the incident causing the dismissal.  If runs are to be disallowed, however, the not out batter shall return to his/her original end. Obstructing the field, where the obstruction or distraction does not prevent the striker being out Caught. Run out other than under Law 25.6.4 or 25.6.5 (Dismissal and conduct of a batter and his/her runner).

18.12.2 If, while a run is in progress, the ball becomes dead for any reason other than the dismissal of a batter, the batter shall return to the wickets they had left, but only if they had not already crossed in running when the ball became dead.   If, however, any of the circumstances of to apply, the batter shall return to their original ends.   

© Marylebone Cricket Club 2017

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