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The Judd School


25 June 2025 11:30

Match type:

Men's MCC


Vizards Playing Fields
Lower Haysden Lane,
TN11 9BB


Nearest post code to the site is TN11 9BB (for Haysden Country Park). From the school site Drive west past the school on your right hand side along Brook Street towards Penshurst. Take the second turning on your right, following the brown sign for Haysden Country Park and Lower Haysden, into Lower Haysden Lane. Travel down this road for about 400m and the entrance to the car park is on your right, sign posted “Vizards”. There are 60 parking spaces for cars, however it is a condition of planning that there is strictly no parking for coaches. Coaches can either drop students at the main school site (parking in the lay-by outside) or can turn down towards Haysden Country Park as for cars but instead of heading towards the west turn back on itself and allow students to leave the coach outside the pedestrian footpath, also signposted, and they can walk to the pitches. We respectfully ask that drivers park sensibly and do not block other vehicles in or obstruct the emergency vehicle access. Cars are parked at their owners’ risk.