The MCC Committee consists of the four Principal Officers (the President, the Club Chair, the Treasurer and the Chief Executive & Secretary) as well as the Chairs of each Principal committees (there are currently six: Cricket, Estates, Finance, Heritage & Collections, Membership & General Purposes and World Cricket). Additional members (there are currently three) are identified bythe Nominations committee (Nomco).
In addition, but separate to, the MCC Committee, there are three Trustees, one of whom (as agreed by the three together) may attend and speak, but not vote, at MCC Committee meetings.
With the exception of the President (who is nominated by their predecessor), the appointments of all members of the MCC Committee and Trustees are approved by Members in General Meeting.
You can see up-to-date lists of the MCC Committee, the Trustees, Nomco, the Principal committees and sub-committees here. On that page you will also find biographical details for each member of the MCC Committee and Nomco, as well as the Trustees. access denied