To view the Ground Regulations see below. It can also be accessed via this document.
The Ground Regulations (Regulations) apply year-round to all people visiting Lord’s Ground (Lord’s) including without limitation MCC Members, staff, agents, suppliers, contractors and volunteers (Visitors).
1.1 MCC reserves the right of admission to Lord’s.
1.2 All Visitors agree to be searched.
1.3 Admission is subject to such health, safety and security rules and regulations that may be in force from time to time.
1.4 Admission is subject to a Visitor presenting a valid ticket, MCC Membership Pass, staff pass, contractor authorisation or other authorised credential, including a booking reference or arrangement for a meeting, at the point of entry or at any time on request by MCC.
1.5 All Visitors under the age of 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
1.6 Notwithstanding Regulation 5, MCC may refuse admission to, or eject from, Lord’s at any time without refund any Visitor who, in the reasonable opinion of MCC:
(a) has previously engaged in or is found to be engaged in behaviour which is detrimental to the integrity of cricket and/or which brings or has the potential to bring into disrepute MCC, Lord’s and/or the sport of cricket; and/or
(b) is the subject of a MCC banning order and/or has been prohibited from entry to any other sporting event or venue worldwide.
2.1 Behaviour
(a) MCC is committed to promoting and respecting diversity and equal opportunities and expects all Visitors to share that commitment and comply with the ECB Anti-Discrimination Code, as may be amended from time to time, a copy of which may be found at Visitors are strictly forbidden to engage in any conduct or behaviour (through the use of language, gestures or otherwise) which is discriminatory on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief or sex or sexual orientation.
(b) Visitors are strictly forbidden to engage in any conduct or behaviour (through the use of language, gestures or otherwise) that is harassment, abusive or threatening, whether racially or sexually motivated or o se indecent or obscene language or threatening or insulting words, or otherwise behave in a threatening, abusive, riotous, indecent, insulting or anti-social manner.
(c) Visitors must not disrupt, hinder, interrupt or behave in any manner that may disrupt, hinder or interrupt as determined by MCC in its discretion:
i) any match or event or other activity at Lord’s; or
ii) the comfort of other Visitors or their enjoyment of any match, event or other activity at Lord’s; or
iii) MCC or its staff, contractors or representatives, including but not limited to stewards in the exercise of their powers, functions or duties.
(d) Visitors must comply with requests, directions and/or instructions from MCC or its staff, contractors or representatives, for example requests for tickets and accreditation.
(e) Visitors must not misuse, obscure, deface, damage, remove from Lord’s any notice, advertisement or property or any item of equipment, furniture, fitting or fixture of or at Lord’s.
(f) Visitors must not deposit litter, except in a receptacle provided for that purpose.
(g) Visitors must not throw or attempt to throw any stone, bottle, projectile or other object.
(h) Visitors are prohibited from climbing on any building, wall, other structure or tree.
(i) Visitors must not obstruct any entrance, stairway, gangway or passageway.
(j) Smoking, including electronic cigarettes and vapes, is strictly prohibited except in areas designated by MCC from time to time.
(k) Visitors must not expose bare torsos.
2.2 Intoxication
Any Visitor who is considered by MCC, in its reasonable opinion, to be intoxicated or affected by illicit drugs (excluding prescription medication) in any way may, in MCC’s sole discretion, be subject to any or all of the consequences set out in Regulation 5.
2.3 Offensive
Visitors must not wear or otherwise display offensive, political or commercial signage or logos as determined by MCC in its discretion.
2.4 Promotion
Visitors must not:
(a) distribute commercial, political, religious, advertising or promotional material;
(b) sell or distribute any goods or services or any other matter or thing;
(c) engage in ambush marketing;
(d) conduct public surveys or opinion polls, solicit money, donations or subscriptions from Visitors; and/or
(e) post, stick or place or attempt to post, stick or place any poster, placard, bill, banner, print, paper or any advertising material on any building structure, fence, tree or cordon in or around Lord’s,without the prior written authorisation of MCC’s Chief Executive & Secretary.
Unauthorised materials within Lord’s will be confiscated.
2.5 Vehicles
No Visitor shall drive a vehicle at Lord’s:
(a) above the 10 mph speed limit;
(b) in such a way as to cause or likely to cause danger or nuisance to any person or property at Lord’s;
(c) without due care and attention or without consideration of others;
(d) whilst drunk or under the influence of drugs or intoxicating substance; or
(e) whilst operating a mobile phone or other handheld device.
Visitors shall only park where they have been authorised to park. In no event, other than in the case of an emergency, shall a Visitor park in any other area or cause or permit a vehicle to cause an obstruction which causes or is likely to cause a damage or nuisance to any person or property at Lord’s.
No Visitor with a vehicle shall fail to remove it from any place at Lord’s when required to do so pursuant to Regulation 2.1(d).
3.1 Animals
Any animal (other than a guide dog or police dog) other than with the prior written authorisation of MCC’s Chief Executive & Secretary.
3.2 Dangerous materials
Fireworks, flares, firearms, weapons, any article that is hazardous or illegal or any device or object which in MCC’s reasonable opinion has the potential to be dangerous, hazardous, cause injury, harm or public nuisance.
3.3 Drones
Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) or equipment to control or operate such as RPAS.
3.4 Kirpans
A Visitor wearing a kirpan may be admitted to Lord’s so long as such kirpan is no more than six inches in length (blade and handle), in a sheath and worn under a shirt or a similar garment; and is being carried as part of the Visitor’s religious observation.
3.5 Lasers
Laser lights or laser pointers.
3.6 Wheels
Electric bicycles, segways, rollerblades, skateboards or scooters (excluding wheelchairs and mobility scooters).
In addition to the Regulations set out above, the following must be observed at cricket matches.
4.1 Alcohol
On a day of a match other than T20 Blast Matches or The Hundred Matches, small quantities of alcohol may be brought into Lord’s, but is limited to the equivalent of:
(a) one bottle of wine or Champagne (max. 750ml), or
(b) two cans/bottles of beer/cider (max. 500ml each), or
(c) two cans of premixed aperitifs (max. 330ml each)
per spectator.
Bottles of spirits or fortified wines will not be allowed into Lord’s. Amounts of alcohol in excess of these limits and any alcohol in excess of 16%ABV will be confiscated.
Under no circumstances will any spectator be re-admitted to Lord’s at any time during the day if in possession of any alcohol. MCC reserves the right to confiscate any quantity of alcohol from any spectator, leaving or entering Lord’s.
MCC reserves the right to close bars at Lord’s at any time and/or restrict the sale of alcohol to Visitors.
4.2 Alcohol-free stands
MCC may designate alcohol-free stands for certain cricket matches. For such cricket matches, Visitors are strictly prohibited from taking into or consuming alcohol in any alcohol-free stands (including for the avoidance of doubt, any concourse areas) and MCC reserves the right to confiscate any quantity of alcohol from any Visitor in contravention of this Regulation.
4.3 Cameras
Any camera tripods, monopods, lenses with a total focal length of greater than 200mm or commercial digital video equipment or sound recording equipment is strictly prohibited unless authorised by MCC.
4.4 Fancy dress
The wearing of any fancy dress costume and/or oversized hats is prohibited.
4.5 Field of play
Visitors are strictly prohibited from entering any restricted access or prohibited areas including but not limited to:
a) the playing field at Lord’s at any time (except with the prior written authorisation of MCC’s Chief Executive & Secretary or as part of an authorisation provided by MCC); and/or
b) any dressing rooms, practice areas or other players’ or officials’ areas; and/or
c) any area for which accreditation is required or which is designated as an area to which Visitors are not entitled to access.
4.6 Flags and banners
Flags and banners related to cricket are permitted on days of T20 Blast Matches and The Hundred Matches only.
4.7 Large or inflatable items
Any large article that cannot be placed under a seat, or any inflatable item including any balloon, beach ball, receptacle, other inflatable device or structure, is prohibited.
4.8 Demonstrations
No Visitor shall organise or take part in any demonstration, procession or public assembly likely to obstruct or interfere with the operation of a match or the peaceful enjoyment of other Visitors or obstruct or interfere with the comfort and convenience or safety or security of other Visitors.
4.9 Musical instruments
Whistles, horns, noise makers, klaxons, rattles, vuvuzelas and any other devices in the opinion of MCC which has the potential to be dangerous, hazardous, cause injury or public nuisance, are prohibited.
4.10 Use of Mobile Devices
Mobile Devices (including, but not restricted to, telephones, radios, cameras, music players, video recorders and players, watches, computers, laptops, and other electrical or electronic devices or any other such device now known or hereafter invented) may be used subject to the following restrictions applying to their use, and for the purpose of this Regulation 4.10 Lord’s is divided into three Areas, as follows:
Area A: the Pavilion and the Warner Stand Bars and Restaurant. Within this Area, at all times, Mobile Devices must not be allowed to ring or make any other audible sound, and no Visitor may speak into a Mobile Device.
Area B: the Pavilion concourse and balconies, all other enclosures and stands, and all other seating areas from which the playing area can be viewed, including balconies of suites. Within this Area once the umpires have appeared on the playing area for the purpose of starting or restarting play and until the umpires have left the playing area, Mobile Devices must not be allowed to ring or make any other audible sound, and no Visitor may speak into a Mobile Device. Within this Area at other times, Mobile Devices may be allowed to ring and it is permitted to speak into them.
Area C: all other parts of Lord’s. Within this Area, at all times, Mobile Devices may be allowed to ring and it is permitted to speak into them.
4.11 Photography, Filming and Recording
(a) The taking of photographs and all types of filming in the Pavilion are prohibited save with the prior authorisation, in writing, of MCC’s Chief Executive & Secretary.
(b) It is prohibited for any photograph, video recording, film, sketch, painting or other image produced within Lord’s to be used for any commercial purpose, including (without limitation) for any commercial reproduction and distribution, whether as a freestanding image or recording or by application or incorporation of the same to or in any goods or use in connection with the provision of any services. The making of any such image for any of the commercial purposes referred to in this Regulation 4.11(b) is likewise prohibited save with the prior authorisation, in writing, of MCC’s Chief Executive & Secretary.
(c) With the exception of those Visitors in receipt of an official accreditation issued by the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB), all Visitors to Lord’s acknowledge that MCC is the sole owner of the copyright and any other intellectual property rights of any nature whatsoever in and to any recordings of sound made or images taken at Lord’s, including future rights to such recordings or to any works derived from such recordings that is not a video or sound recording or photograph taken for only private, non-commercial and non-promotional purposes. All Visitors unconditionally and irrevocably assign to MCC all rights, including copyright and other intellectual property rights, in any recordings of sound made or images taken at Lord’s that is not a video or sound recording or photograph taken for only private, non-commercial and non-promotional purposes.
(d) All Visitors to Lord’s acknowledge that CCTV cameras operate at Lord’s. All Visitors consent to
(i) the recording of their image, likeness and/or voice by any means (including but not limited to video, audio and visual recordings by television cameras and photographers) (together Images) and
(ii) the use of the Images at Lord’s, including display on vision screens throughout any match and
(iii) the commercial exploitation, throughout the world, of the Images by any means by MCC, ECB and its commercial partners (including without limitation the International Cricket Council and any official sponsor, official supplier, broadcaster or licensee), all without compensation of any kind.
4.12 Anti-Corruption
(a) Under no circumstances may any Visitor at Lord’s use a smart device, computer or any other kind of communication device (now known or hereafter invented) to (i) communicate, transfer or otherwise transmit any audio, visual or audio-visual data, information, commentary, footage or other material in relation to a cricket match (or any aspect thereof) or any other activities taking place at Lord’s for any kind of improper betting or any other corrupt, fraudulent or unlawful purpose; or (ii) conduct continuous betting trading activity.
(b) Any Visitor who is reasonably suspected by MCC (or its appointed nominees, including but not limited for such purposes to the anti-corruption officials and any other representatives of ECB) of acting in breach of Regulation 4.12(a) during any cricket match unconditionally acknowledges, accepts and agrees that:
(i) such Visitor must, upon request by MCC (or its appointed nominees), provide their name and address and an explanation for their suspicious conduct (including full details of the nature of their suspicious communications);
(ii) such person may be photographed and/or filmed by MCC (or its appointed nominees); and
(iii) any such names, addresses, photographs and films collected by MCC (or its appointed nominees) pursuant to this Regulation may be shared between each of the ECB and the firstclass county cricket clubs and relevant official cricket authorities and the police and any relevant crime-prevention authorities, for the purposes of any criminal investigations or proceedings, and/or in conneciton with any investigation into a potential breach of domestic or international cricket anti corruption rules and/or to enable to enable MCC, the ECB and the first-class county cricket clubs to give reciprocal effect to any ban on entry which is subsequently imposed by MCC pursuant to this Regulation 4.12.
5.1 All Visitors agree, without prejudice to any other rights which MCC and agents may have, that if a Visitor contravenes any of these Regulations, they may be subject to any or all of the following:
5.1.1 be refused entry to Lord’s;
5.1.2 be required by MCC to provide their name, address, photograph and other relevant personal information and evidence of their identity on request;
5.1.3 be ejected from Lord’s;
5.1.4 have their entry ticket or Membership Pass confiscated and/or suspended and/or cancelled;
5.1.5 be prohibited and disqualified from purchasing tickets for and/or entering Lord’s for future events for a period of time as determined by MCC;
5.1.6 have any such other action taken against them as may be determined by MCC; and/or
5.1.7 have legal action taken against them in connection with such matters.
5.2 In addition to the consequences set out in Regulation 5.1:
5.2.1 Visitors who contravene any of the Regulations at a cricket match at Lord’s may be prohibited from entering any other cricket ground under the control of MCC, the ECB or any first class county cricket club for life or such other period of time as the MCC Committee deems appropriate in respect of Lord’s and as the ECB or the relevant ground authority deems appropriate in respect of any other ground, in all cases in the sole and absolute discretion of the MCC Committee, the ECB or the relevant ground authority, as the case may be; and
5.2.2 MCC Members acknowledge and agree that if they are in breach of any of the Regulations that they may be referred to the Club’s Disciplinary Panel.
5.3 Visitors who are subject to any or all of the consequences set out in Regulations 5.1 and 5.2 above shall not be entitled to any refund or compensation of any kind.
6.1 Personal information collected by MCC shall be processed by MCC in accordance with MCC’s Privacy Notice, which can be found at and applicable data protection legislation and regulations relating to the processing of personal information and privacy.
6.2 Visitors consent to MCC and its relevant third-party service providers and/or the police using a Visitor’s personal information in connection with investigating, documenting and analysing any possible breach of these Regulations or the law.
6.3 CCTV cameras are in use around and in Lord’s and MCC may itself use, or pass to the police or any other relevant authority, any recordings for use in any investigation or proceedings.
7.1 Visitors shall be responsible for ensuring their own safety from risks involved in attending a cricket match or event or being admitted to a large cricket ground and agree that they shall be solely responsible for any injuries sustained to or losses incurred by them, whether financial or otherwise.
7.2 MCC shall not be liable for any injury whatsoever to any Visitor, nor for any loss or damage to or theft of their respective property howsoever such injury, loss or damage may be caused, save for where the law provides otherwise.
7.3 Visitors shall be liable for all costs, losses and liabilities incurred by MCC as a result of any damage to property of MCC caused by them and/or any act by them.
7.4 Visitors shall indemnify MCC against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses suffered or incurred by MCC and arising out of or in connection with any actions of, or damage caused by, them whilst at Lord’s.
7.5 Any property or possessions (including but not limited to any vehicle) left anywhere on the premises of MCC remains at the entire risk of the owner of the property or person leaving the same, and the Club accepts no liability for the theft or other loss of or damage to such property or possessions.
Any changes will be posted and available at and may be available at entry points to Lord’s.