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Law 38

Run out

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38.1 Out Run out

Either batter is out Run out, except as in 38.2, if, at any time while the ball is in play, he/she is out of his/her ground and his/her wicket is fairly broken by the action of a fielder even though No ball has been called, except in the circumstances of, and whether or not a run is being attempted.

38.2 Batter not out Run out    

38.2.1 A batter is not out Run out in the circumstances of or He/She has been within his/her ground and has subsequently left it to avoid injury, when the wicket is broken.

Note also the provisions of Law 30.1.2 (When out of his/her ground). The ball, delivered by the bowler, has not made contact with a fielder before the wicket is broken. 

38.2.2 The striker is not out Run out in any of the circumstances in and He/She is out Stumped.  See Laws 25.6.5 (Dismissal and conduct of a batter and his/her runner) and 39.1.2 (Out Stumped). No ball has been called

and he/she is out of his/her ground not attempting a run

and the wicket is fairly broken by the wicket-keeper without the intervention of another fielder.

However, if the striker has a runner and the runner is out of his/her ground, then only 38.1 applies.

38.3 Non-striker leaving his/her ground early

38.3.1 At any time from the moment the ball comes into play until the instant when the bowler would normally have been expected to release the ball, the non-striker is liable to be Run out if he/she is out of his/her ground. In these circumstances the non-striker will be out Run out if he/she is out of his/her ground when his/her wicket is broken by the bowler throwing the ball at the stumps or by the bowler’s hand holding the ball, whether or not the ball is subsequently delivered. The instant when the bowler would normally have been expected to release the ball is defined as the moment the bowler’s arm reaches the highest point of his/her normal bowling action in the delivery swing. Even if the non-striker had left his/her ground before the instant at which the bowler would normally have been expected to release the ball, once the bowler has reached that point it is no longer possible for the bowler to run out the non-striker under this Law.

38.3.2 If the ball is not delivered,

- if there is an appeal, the umpire shall make his/her decision on the Run out.

- if there is no appeal, or if the decision is not out, he/she shall call and signal Dead ball as soon as possible.

- the ball shall not count as one in the over.

38.3.3 If the ball is delivered and there is an appeal,

- the umpire shall make his/her decision on the Run out.

- if the non-striker is not dismissed, the ball remains in play and Law 21.6 (Bowler breaking wicket in delivering ball) shall apply.

- if the non-striker is dismissed, the ball shall not count as one in the over.

38.4 Which batter is out

The batter out in the circumstances of 38.1 is the one whose ground is at the end where the wicket is broke.  See Laws 25.6 (Dismissal and conduct of a batter and his/her runner) and 30.2 (Which is a batter’s ground).

38.5 Runs scored

If either batter is dismissed Run out, the run in progress when the wicket is broken shall not be scored, but any runs completed by the batters shall stand, together with any runs for penalties awarded to either side.  See Laws 18.6 (Runs awarded for penalties) and 18.8 (Runs scored when a batter is dismissed).

If, however, a striker who has a runner is himself/herself dismissed Run out and runs are completed by the runner and the other batter before the wicket is broken.

- all runs to the batting side from that delivery shall be disallowed.

- the one run penalty for No ball shall stand and 5 run penalties shall be allowed.

- the umpire shall return the non-striker to his/her original end. 

See Law 25.6 (Dismissal and conduct of a batter and his/her runner).

38.6 Bowler does not get credit

The bowler does not get credit for the wicket.

© Marylebone Cricket Club 2017


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Listen to actor, broadcaster and writer Stephen Fry, a well known cricket enthusiast and occasional umpire, bring his authoritative voice to the narration of this animation of the law.