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Law 34

Hit the ball twice

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34.1 Out Hit the ball twice

34.1.1 The striker is out Hit the ball twice if, while the ball is in play, it strikes any part of his/her person or is struck by his/her bat and, before the ball has been touched by a fielder, the striker wilfully strikes it again with his/her bat or person, other than a hand not holding the bat, except for the sole purpose of guarding his/her wicket.  See 34.3 and Law 37 (Obstructing the field).

34.1.2 For the purpose of this Law ‘struck’ or ‘strike’ shall include contact with the person of the striker.

34.1.3 This Law will apply whether or not No ball is called.

34.2 Not out Hit the ball twice

The striker will not be out under this Law if he/she

34.2.1 strikes the ball a second or subsequent time in order to return the ball to any fielder.  Note, however, the provisions of Law 37.4 (Returning the ball to a fielder).

34.2.2 wilfully strikes the ball after it has touched a fielder.  Note, however the provisions of Law 37.1 (Out Obstructing the field).

34.3 Ball lawfully struck more than once

The striker may, solely in order to guard his/her wicket and before the ball has been touched by a fielder, lawfully strike the ball a second or subsequent time with the bat, or with any part of his/her person other than a hand not holding the bat.

The striker may guard his/her wicket even if the delivery is a No ball. However, the striker may not prevent the ball from being caught by striking the ball more than once in defence of his/her wicket. See Law 37.3 (Obstructing a ball from being caught)

34.4 Runs permitted from ball lawfully struck more than once

When the ball is lawfully struck more than once, as permitted in 34.3, if the ball does not become dead for any reason, the umpire shall call and signal Dead ball as soon as the ball reaches the boundary or at the completion of the first run. However, he/she shall delay the call of Dead ball to allow the opportunity for a catch to be completed.

The umpire shall

- disallow all runs to the batting side

- return any not out batter to his/her original end

- signal No ball to the scorers if applicable. 

- award any 5-run Penalty that is applicable except for Penalty runs under Law 28.3 (Protective helmets belonging to the fielding side).

34.5 Bowler does not get credit

The bowler does not get credit for the wicket.

© Marylebone Cricket Club 2017


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Listen to actor, broadcaster and writer Stephen Fry, a well known cricket enthusiast and occasional umpire, bring his authoritative voice to the narration of this animation of the law.