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The MCC Foundation is established

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The MCC Foundation is the Club’s charitable arm and was established in 1993 with the aim of transforming lives through cricket.

The Foundation works both in the UK and overseas, offering coaching and facilities to enable young cricketers to access the game and optimise their potential. It also seeks to harness the transformative power of cricket to drive positive social change, encouraging personal development and promoting strong and cohesive communities.

Within the UK the Foundation operates a network of 60 local hubs, providing cricketing opportunities to around 2,500 state-educated children aged 11-15 each year. The Hubs focus on helping promising youngsters to join cricket clubs, develop their hard-ball skills, and access the formal talent pathways. They also have a positive impact off the cricket pitch, building confidence and well-being in each participant and improving focus and performance at school.

In recent years the Foundation has greatly expanded its overseas operations. In 2019 it launched the ‘Breaking Boundaries’ project in Nepal, helping young cricketers in that country overcome the barriers imposed by its underdeveloped sporting infrastructure by providing proper kit, developing facilities and training teachers and coaches. The Foundation has also become involved in the Alsama cricket project in Lebanon, assisting with the provision of cricketing opportunities for young Syrian refugees in the Bekaa Valley encampment.

Widespread as its operations are, the Foundation also carries out its mission closer to home. It works closely with the MCC’ Community Department to help develop access to cricket in the Borough of Westminster, and ensure its future as a game available to all those who are based locally to Lord’s.