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Law 1

The players

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1.1 Number of players

A match is played between two sides, each of eleven players, one of whom shall be captain. By agreement a match may be played between sides of fewer than, or more than, eleven players, but not more than eleven players may field at any time. If, during the match and for whatever reason, a side is reduced to fewer than the original number of nominated players, the match shall continue as long as it is possible to do so under the Laws or any agreements made before the toss.

1.2 Nomination and replacement of players

1.2.1 Each captain shall nominate his/her players in writing to one of the umpires before the toss.

1.2.2 No player may be replaced after the nomination without the consent of the opposing captain.

1.2.3 Any replacement player shall be considered the same player as the nominated player he/she replaced for the purposes of these Laws. A replacement shall not bat in an innings in which the nominated player he/she is replacing has completed his/her innings. Any unserved Penalty time, warnings or suspensions, that applied to the original nominated player will be inherited by his/her replacement.

1.3 Captain

1.3.1 If at any time the captain is not available, a deputy shall act for him/her.

1.3.2 If a captain is not available to nominate the players, then any person associated with that team may act as his/her deputy to do so. See 1.2.

1.3.3 At any time after the nomination of the players, only a nominated player can act as deputy in discharging the duties and responsibilities of the captain as stated in these Laws, including at the toss. See Law 13.4 (The toss).

1.4 Responsibility of captains

The captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within The Spirit of Cricket as well as within the Laws. See The Preamble – The Spirit of Cricket and Law 41.1 (Fair and unfair play – responsibility of captains).

© Marylebone Cricket Club 2017

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